This paper proposes a dynamic optimization technique for building heating and cooling systems. The proposed algorithm returns trajectories for space temperature setpoints throughout a specified period that will minimize objective functions such as running cost or peak energy consumption. It can be applied to buildings for which the thermal mass allows various choices of temperature setpoints. The algorithm also specifies an optimal on-off schedule for HVAC equipment. The discussion includes modeling of the building's thermal characteristics, optimization techniques, and example studies.
Energy Conservation Buildings are very effective for restraint of global warming, because they can reduce CO2 emissions in building operation, which account for 70% of Life Cycle emissions. To find the most suitable strategies for energy conservation, it is necessary to assess various combinations of energy conservation techniques based on both environmental and economic viewpoints. Since these assessments are laborious and time consuming, an assessment tool has been desired.
This research is aimed to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) in the building by using the expert system (ES) based on the artificial intelligence (AI). The diagnosis tool of IAQ and ventilation design tool corresponding to 9 kinds of pollutants were developed. For diagnosis the concentration calculated from pollution generation rate and outdoor air is compared to the standard. For designing, the ventilation rate is provided from allowed concentration and pollutant generation rate.
This paper is focused on the development of measuring equipment of Effective Leakage Area (ELA) by AC pressurization method. The formula to design the measuring system is derived according to the governing equation of the leakage, e.g. in terms of flow rate through the leakage, volume changing, sinusoidal pressurization, etc.
Optimization of thermal storage tank operation is one of the major areas for energy conservation in HVAC systems. In the present paper, an algorithm is developed for optimum operation of thermal storage tank, by minimizing non-linear cost function. Results are validated under stationary and random load conditions. It is concluded that the present algorithm is quite robust and provides an optimal scheme of operation.
For effective energy use and level off electricity demand throughout the day, thermal energy storage system is getting popular in HVAC systems in Japan. Load profile prediction can provide information to plan optimal operation, and now, various prediction approaches have been developed, for example, Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model, Topological Case Based Modeling (TCBM), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and other approaches.
An optimal operational planning system with a userfriendly interface using an object-oriented framework is developed for the purpose of determining operational strategies of energy supply plants in a simple and rational manner on personal computers.
This paper explains the development of a dedicated configuration tool for the HVACSIM+ simulation environment. This computer-based tool eases configuration by exploiting a visual metaphor of a simulation subject. This paper also explains the configuration tool's method of development, its functionality, and suggests some potential applications which could benefit from an object-oriented development. The tool was developed with object-oriented technology in 1994.
It is required that the urban air temperature is estimated on the average and macroscopically for studying the urban thermal environmental problems in summer. The diurnal variations of urban air temperature and heat budget components are investigated using one dimensional heat budget model. The evaporative efficiency and the anthropogenic heat were estimated by means of inverse operation using the observed air temperature. Good coincidence was obtained with the observed air temperature and the calculated.
The objective of the work presented in this paper is to develop a building performance assessment tool that will assist the design process rather than be aimed at giving endorsement to a completed design. he paper discusses the concepts behind the ongoing development of this new assessment tool. To effectively place it into the designer’s hand, this tool is self-contained – the simulation programs are directly linked to the assessment modules.