A case study is used to introduce a two-step thermal demand calculation for buildings in order to take thermal bridges into consideration. In the first step the outer envelope of a typical apartment is 3- dimensionally modelled and a 3D thermal- coupling coefficient is calculated. In the second step the thermal demands of the whole building is calculated using three variations of the outer envelope design. Each variation is calculated in ID and 3D.
The lighting simulation programme Radiance is used to predict daylight factors and the illuminance distribution in a room which is 12m x 12m x 3.6m high, with grey tinted solar control glazing. These predictions are compared with measurements taken simultaneously in the real room and in a physical model placed outside. Radiance is also used to predict the lighting conditions under a CIE overcast sky distribution.
Reliable sky luminance models are considered to be conditio sine qua non for accurate computational simulation of daylight distribution in architectural spaces. Toward this end, the paper compares six sky models specifically with regard to their applicability in the tropical context.
Collaborative building engineering is a team effort in which many elements have to be combined into a unified structure. The aims of the architect, the engineer and all the other players have to merge into a seamless design process. This paper deals with the exchange of information among the design team members, and introduces methods that enhance a particular subset of the exchanged information, i.e. the information related to performance of intermediate designs.
COMIS 3.0 is a new simulation environment developed in the framework of IEA/ECB Annex 23. To our knowledge this is the first time that one of the Annexes of IEA/ECB produces as its main result a validated software not only designed for research laboratories but also intended to be used by engineering and consulting companies. Annex 23-subtask 1 aimed at developing a multizone air flow modelling system (COMIS1) encapsulated in a Simulation Environment, in order to facilitate access to, and use of COMIS. In this paper, the main features of this new multizone airflow and pollutant transport si
CA-SIS software has been developed on PC as a tool for engineering offices in their Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning studies. Based on TRNSYS solver, its major revolutionary characteristics consist of a gradual approach driven by a user friendly graphic interface :
Computation of sound propagation in enclosed spaces is needed for a variety of purposes such as noise exposure in industrial spaces, acoustic privacy conditions in open-plan office settings, and speech intelligibility in auditoriums. In this context, the present paper offers a twofold contribution: First, the concept of a prototypical computational environment (SEMPER) is described in which the informational basis for performance simulation is derived from the structurally homologous general (architectural) building representation without additional user intervention.
This paper presents a calibration methodology using only two to four weeks of hourly monitored and monthly utility records. The methodology was developed and tested using two case study buildings. The building and HVAC systems data were collected from the building drawings and site visits. “On-off “ tests were conducted to accurately determine the power densities of the temperature-independent loads.
Earth heat exchangers are advantageous features to reduce energy consumption in residential buildings. In winter they pre-heat ventilation air with minimal operation costs - necessary for low energy architecture , in summer they help to prevent passive houses with relevant solar gains from overheating by pre-cooling ventilation air. The goal of GAEA (Graphische Auslegung von ErdwärmeAustauschern, German for Graphical Design of Earth Heat Exchangers) is to provide an easily usable calculation tool for to match earth heat exchangers and buildings.
Passport Plus is a new design tool for building thermal analysis which was developed within the European research project PASCOOL of the European Commission. The program is structured in such a way as to be able to easily handle future additions and enhancements. Some of the program's features include a more detailed treatment of thermal mass, the building's surrounding external environment, small scale micro climate, external remote obstacles, external shading devices like louvers, improved treatment of natural ventilation phenomena.