Synchronous generation of homologous representations in an active, multi-aspect design environment

We introduce SEMPER, a computational tool for active and multi-dornain design and evaluation support. We demonstrate SEMPER's unique synthesis of three fundamental system requirements: 1) a methodologically consistent performance modeling approach through the entire design. process; 2) a structurally homologous building representation across multiple dornains; and 3) a "preference-based" performanceto-design mapping technology. 

Stochastic simulations versus deterministic ones: advantages and drawbacks

The fundamentals of a probabilistic approximation in thermal buildings analysis is here briefly presented. However, the principal aim of this paper is to show the advantages of such simulation approach in many applications requiring massive simulations. Several examples are presented to illustrate the relevance of the proposed method as an alternative to deterministic simulations, and to show how it is a powerful tool for analysis. The developed simulation approach appears; as an extremely helpful method for comfort analysis in free-floating buildings.

Some experiments on implementing collaborative building design environments

A collaborative building design environment has been proposed to integrate, together both the heterogeneous applications and the dispersed project particípants. Based on the functional requirements identified, the conventional building product models have been extended to incorporate high-level concepts such as activity and organisation. which are essential for coordination, and a generic humanhuman interaction model has been developed, which could not only make the building domain models interaction-aware, but also serve as a base model for developing general interaction utilities.

Software for window solar gain analysis

Three computer programs have been developed for use in assessing solar heat gain through windows in buildings. SUNSPEC calculates the direct beam and diffuse sky solar spectral and broadband irradiances incident on an arbitrarily oriented plane, for any position of the sun in the sky relative to the receiving plane. The calculations are for a cloudless sky and allow the user to specify the concentrations of various atmospheric gases and particulates. AWNSHADE calculates the unshaded fraction of a vertical window's area when illuminated by direct bearn solar radiation.

Software description for ener-win: a visual interface model for hourly energy simulation in buildings

Using the Visual Basic development tool kit, the authors have developed a highly interactive graphical interfáce to an hourly energy simulation model for estimating annual energy consumption in buildings. The software, named ENER-WIN, features an interfáce program that calls and controls the execution of the energy simulation model and the weather data processor. The software will run on PCcompatible microcomputers under the Windows operating system. 

Simultaneous modelling of heat and moisture transfer and air-conditioning system in buildings

A simplified building heat and moisture transfer model has been developed and integrated with relevant air-conditioning system component models for simultaneous simulation of heat and moisture transfer at the building envelope, the indoor air-zone and the aír-conditionin- system. This model requires much less computational effort when compared with other more rigorous heat and moisture transfer modelling methods. The accuracy of prediction of the model hás been compared with some experimental results.

Simulation of sky luminance distribution for daylighting

This paper reports on a project carried out at Delft University of Technology, for improvement of daylightíng simulation tools. Earlier work involved the development of SIBE2, a prototype daylight simulation program using new computational concepts for daylighting simulation in order to overcome a number of well known disadvantages of present daylighting simulation tools. This project was concerned with the importance of realistic description of the sky luminance used in the simulation.

Simulation of radiation induced melting and solidification in the bulk of a translucent building façade

A translucent external wall system for solar space heating and daylighting is briefly presented. This system is composed of phase change material encapsulated in glass containers and a layer of transparent insulation material to reduce thermal losses to the environment. The melting process is induced by absorption of solar radiation in the bulk of the phase change material. In this article we focus on the one-dimensional mathematical-thermodynamic model of the store.

Simulation of moisture transport to asses durability aspects of composite walls

Simulation of dynamic moisture transport processes in building structures under varying conditions re- the solution of the partial differential equations of coupled moisture and heat transport. Our research focuses on the moisture transport equation as this is generally the harder one to solve. We will report on, two related research projects that are motivated by durability-aspects of construction walls, being dependent on specific transport phenomena occurring during operation (first case) and construction (second case). The first case deals with moisture migration as a result of both moi

Simulation and reasoning: intelligent building thermal problem detection

This paper discusses a model for integrating a rigorous thermal simulation with computational reasoning. This model is used to build an intelligent computer-aided system that assists designers throughout the design process. The model uses rigorous hierarchical thermal simulation modules linked to several databases. In addition, Artificial Intelligence Techniques are used to build a multilevel reasoníng structure for both the initial and the final design. Neural networks are utilized for the initial design stage problem detection where problems are incomplete.
