An integrated design and appraisal system

The design of buildings involve specialists from different disciplines, each performing tasks specific to their purpose, using data that describes the building in a particular way. This paper describes a prototype of an integrated building design system which incorporates design of the building, thermal analysis, daylight appraisal and artificial lighting design.

ALLAN simulation a general software tool for model description and simulation

ALLAN. SIMULATIONINEPTUNIX is a software designed at the GAZ DE FRANCE Research and Development Division and developed with the aid of CISI Ingenierie. It is a general software for the description and simulation of dynamic systems. ALLAN. Simulation is a pre-and post-processor. It is not a simulation software, and simulation is due to the choice of a solver. It is used at GAZ DE FRANCE and in other companies to describe and manage models for the NEPTUNIX 2 simulation program. It may also be used with ASTEC 4.

Air and heat flow through large vertical openings

After a short description of the physical phenomena involved, unified expressions are worked out describing net airflow and net heat flow through large vertical openings between stratified zones. These formulae are based on those of Cockroft for bidirectional flow, but are more general in the sense that they apply to situations of unidirectional flow as well. The expressions are compatible with a pressure network description for multizone modelling of airflow in buildings. The technique has been incorporated in the flows solver of the ESP-r building and plant energy simulation environment.

A view of building performance simulation

Building performance simulation is reviewed, with and emphasis on its role as a means to bring buildings into a better balance with the human and natural environments.

A solar wall simulation module

A solar wall is a complex part of the building envelope, as it acts as an energy collector, passing solar energy from the exterior surface into the building with a time delay and in the same time reducing thermal losses during periods with no sunshine. A module for simulating solar walls in a Danish building simulation program (tsbi3) has been developed to analyze the interaction between a solar wall and the building behind.

A plant component taxonomy for ESP-r simulation environment

The layout of air-conditioning systems in building varies dramatically owing to the differences in conceptual design and the relationship between building and plant topologies. Nevertheless all air-conditioning systems have the same basic components which are responsible for the underlying thermofluids and psychrometric functions. Based on a first principles approach, the mass and energy flow in various air-handling equipment has been investigated. 20 primitive parts have been identified which can be put into the ESP-r system to simulate real air han Wing systems.

A modular approach for developping a modeling environment of thermal systems: the SYMBOL project

We present the SYMBOL project which is based on a modular approach of modeling. The main objectives of this project is to develop a coherent set of modeling tools which can be assembled in order to simply build particular and adapted modeling programs and to allow handling of "natural" concepts during the modeling process. The paper will deal mainly with the modularity of the SYMBOL'environment, and the needed formalism and abstraction effort made in the SYMBOL project.

Whole-Building Energy Targets: A Methodology for Future Performance-Based Standards

Building energy simulation is playing an increasingly important role in the development and implementation of building energy codes and standards in the United States. This trend parallels a progression over the past 15 years from the use of largely prescriptive methods for encouraging energy-efficient building design to reliance on more performanceoriented approaches. A multiyear research project is currently under way to develop a methodology on which to base future energy performance standards for the design of new commercial buildings.

Tools for Whole Model Validation of Building Simulation Programams Experience from the CEC Concerted Action PASSYS

This paper deals with the validation methodology used within the PASSYS project focusing on the developed method for empirical whole model validation of building energy simulation programs. The paper further discusses and describes how high quality data sets for empirical whole model validation are obtained within PASSYS.

The use of building emulators to evaluate the performance of building energy management systems

Three complementary approaches may be used in the evaluation of the performance of building control systems-simulation, emulation and field testing. In emulation a real-time simulation of the building and HVAC plant is connected to a real building energy management system (BEMS) via a hardware interface. Emulation has the advantage of allowing controlled, repeatable experiments whilst testing real devices that may contain proprietary algorithms.
