Accurate numerical simulation of air flows in ventilated multi-rooms

A numerical study of turbulent air flow in ventilated multi-room configurations, where both of buoyancy- and radiation-effects are of importance, is described in this paper. Our computer code solves, in finite difference form, the transient-state conservation equations for mass, momentum and thermal energy. The two equation k-e model with buoyancy terms (Boussinesq approximation) is employed for modelling of turbulence. In addition, a two-band model based on Gebhart's method has been implemented enabling the study of the effects of long wave radiation and solar radiation through windows.

An Energy Evaluative Comparison of a Thermal Comfort Design Model

This paper presents a new, improved method for designing radiant panel heating systems using accepted thermal comfort criteria, mean radiant temperature, and radiant asymmetry as bases for decision making. Peak design loads are calculated for radiant panel heating systems and convection heating systems in rooms with cold radiative interior spaces. An evaluative comparison of traditional methods and the new design method is also presented here.

Application of Simulation programs to the Assessment of Overhekating Rosks in Buildings and the of IEA Annex 21

This paper describes the objectives of International Energy Agency (IEA) Annex 21 and the ongoing work of Subtask B which deals with how programs should be used for particular applications. Well documented procedures for using programs need to be developed to fulfill a real need by increasing consistency of performance assessment, aiding in training, allowing improvement of procedures and promoting quality assurance. The emphasis in this work is on how programs are applied, so that the programs are taken as 'given'.

An NMF-based compoment library for fire simulation

The simulation of the transient behaviour of buildings is becoming more important as faster and cheaper computers reach the market. Many simulation programs and specialized tools have been developed to simulate complex situations. With growing problem complexity the simulation programs have to provide more user support and more advanced models. Ibis is usually solved by writing tailored application programs using specialized solution methods and menus or window interfaces. The results are efficient tools for the end user.

An interactive graphic interface for daylinghting design with superlite

Fast accurate micro-computer simulations of the thermal, lighting, and energy performance of buildings offers the promise of informing architects' design decision-making. Yet this promise has only been partially realized, probably because of the mismatch between the way humans and computers communicate information. The full potential of microcomputer design tools depends on finding more effective ways for architects and computers to exchange information in a graphic or visual mode.

An Intelligent Front end Building Energy Simulation on Micocomputer Environment

This paper discusses recent efforts to develop an intelligent front end (IFE) for a building energy simulation model using a readily available expert system shell. Currently a number of dependable energy simulation models exist for the energy assessment of buildings. However, use of these simulation models involves one problem with respect to the data input process. Usually, detailed building energy simulation models require somewhat rigorous input information from users regardless of the design stage or application domain.

An Educational Desing For Courseware Relating To Heating Load Calculations in Buildings

Courseware is educational software, designed to create an instructional environment, for the purpose of facilitating learning. Courseware is being developed to support training in a wide range of engineering disciplines, including Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) design. It is anticipated that courseware will be used much more, to support current training practices in HVAC design, in order to make training more effective, efficient, and accessible. Current practices in courseware design indicate very few courseware products are designed using formal methods.

An Approach to Thermal Modelling and Simulation of Buildings at Gaz de France

The approach adopted by the Gaz de France Research Center for the modelling-simulation of building performance separates as far as possible modelling from simulation. Emphasis is placed on modelling and its validation. In the proposed approach, a model library in the form of PROFORMA forms is set up. Its aim is to provide researchers with a set of models characterized, in particular, by their state of validation. The engineer selects the models and the simulation tool he needs in order to obtain the numerical results corresponding to the objectives of his study.

A Statiscally-Based Hourly Weather Data Generator for Driving Energy Simulation and Equipment Design Software for Buildings

This paper describes an operating hourly weather simulation model which is utilized to drive building energy simulation and equipment design software. The model contains both deterministic and probabilistic portions that perform sun angle calculations, sky opacity, dry-bulb temperatures, dewpoint temperatures, wind speed, and barometric pressures. Sample summary statistics have been shown to give good agreement with means, extremes, and distributions of real weather data records. A sample energy analysis is also included to illustrate the model's flexibility for different applications.

A new tecnique for thermal modelling of building: the modal synthesis

This paper presents a new technique for the thermal systems modelling. This method, based on the structural modularity of a thermal system such as a building belongs to the modal methods family. It especially allows to obtain accurate enough reduced thermal models of large system. In this paper, the main advantages of this method are specified (recurrent, ...). Its funtamentals are given and the results are illustrated by two examples (three layers wall and bizone building).
