An automotive part manufacturing plant in Southern Italy, which has just recently been modernized and extended, offers an interesting panorama of innovative cost-effective solutions for ventilating, air-conditioning and process cooling.
Una procedura sviluppata in ambiente TRNSYS ha permesso di determinare le prestazioni termiche di sistemi di riscaldamento a soffitto radiante alimentati da collettori solari. Limpianto solare costituito da un campo di captazione collegato ad un serbatoio di accumulo la cui energia termica alimenta il sistema di riscaldamento a soffitti radianti; se il carico termico richiesto maggiore dellenergia termica accumulata nel serbatoio, un sistema ausiliario alimentato da combustibile tradizionale si attiva ed eroga totalmente lenergia termica richiesta.
Una fachada trasventilada es un sistema constituido por un elemento de aplacado o revestimiento exterior soportado por elementos portantes interiores, a travs de una subestructura, mediante fijaciones y anclajes, quedando entre aplacado y zona portante un espacio por el que puede discurrir una corriente de aire entre la parte inferior y la superior con objeto de mantener condiciones de baja humedad en el hueco, de forma que se preserven las condiciones idneas del aislamiento trmico incorporado.
There is a big concern for consequences of fire in parkings, especially those of public attendance and big dimension. Among Fire Protection means it is essential Smoke Control. This allows both people to escape safe from the fire and Fire Brigades to reach the fire in order to control it.In Spain there are not agreed or published calculation methods for smoke control purposes in the event of Fire. So, for this purpose they have been adopted calculation methods which have been though to ventilate and dilute gases produced by cars in normal activity.
Esta casa solar es una casa tradicional, con paredes de piedra y techos de pizarra. Incluye elementos de la arquitectura tradicional. Las nuevas tecnologas que tienen en cuenta las condiciones ambientales de la vivienda tambin se han introducido. Las ultimas teoras sobre sostenibilidad tambin han guiado la construccin de este edificio. La casa esta construida en el Principado de Andorra, a 1260m sobre el nivel del mar. Los pirineos le dan un clima alpino, con inviernos fros (-12C) y veranos templados (29C) El sistema solar combina los sistemas activos y pasivos.
The study of a hotel to be built under the mild climate of Madeira Island, Portugal, is presented. The program DOE-2.1E was used for the thermal load simulation, using as climatic input a Typical Year file constructed for this case. The simulation for the base building showed low heating loads and high cooling loads, of which a very important fraction derives from solar gains.
This paper deals with the relevance of Computational Fluids Dynamics (CFD) results confronted to measurements carried out in real environment. Experimental tests have been undertaken in a room and in a kitchen of an experimental house. Although the wall surface temperatures and the air intake temperature have not been imposed, the air change rates have been controlled during the measurements. Moreover, since measurements have been
carried out in a real environment, air leakage has occurred at the walls.
This paper provides experimental results derived through field testing of a partial load solar energized cooling system in Madrid during the summer period of 2003. Solar hot water was delivered by means of a 50 m2 array of flat-plate collectors to drive a single-effect (LiBr/H2O) absorption chiller of 35 kW nominal cooling capacity. Thermal energy was stored in a 2 m3 stratified hot water storage tank during hours of bright sunshine.
Design requires the knowledge of what is to be achieved and how is wanted to be achieved. The final definition of a product is usually the result of a cycle of definitions and redefinitions, depending of an interactive and iterative process where many participants take part. Axiomatic Design is one of the latest design theories, which allows a structured decision process. According to Axiomatic Design, two axioms govern good design: the Independence and the Information Axioms.