Evaluation of radiative comfort in office buildings

The research we develop consists of evaluating "radiative comfort" during no heating periods in office buildings.The expression "radiative comfort" is used to characterise the thermal and visual component of the feeling of people set in indoor environments submitted to sky and sun irradiation by bay windows. Two numerical models, one for the visual behaviour and the other for the thermal aspect, have been adjusted We carried out simulations in the case of offices which is the main scope of our study.

Design and simulation of finned-tube heat exchangers using pure and mixed refrigerants

A computational model for the detailed design of finned-tube heat exchangers is presented. Coils are discretised into tube elements for which the governing equations are solved using local values of temperature, pressure, physical properties and heat transfer coefficients. Single phase, condenser and evaporator cases can be treated using water, R22, R134a, and various refrigerant mixtures based on R32, R125, and R134a.

Study on energy system of "NEXT 21" future housing

NEXT 21 is the experimental residential building ,completed in October 1993 at Osaka. Main theme of this project is to create comfortable housing for early 21th century life without the increase of stress to urban environment. For this purpose many experimental design ,such as, earth covered roof , ecological garden, greenery for wild birds and many efficient mechanical systems were applied to this building.

Multiple model approach and experimental validation of a residential air to air heat pump

The aim of this work is the realization of a design tool, which is a multiple model software called « CODYRUN », suitable for professionnals and usable by researchers. The original aspect of this software is that the designer has at his disposal a wide pa

Airtightness requirements for high performance building envelopes

International building legislation is setting stronger and stronger requirements for the energy performance of buildings. An actual example is the impact of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive in the European Union (EPBD) on the national requirements in the Member States. The improved energy performance of buildings cant be achieved by additional insulation or more effective buildings systems only. A major influence factor on the energy quality is the ventilation technology and also the airtightness of the building envelope.
