Mixed-mode cooling

This paper provides an overview of mixed-mode buildings, and some of the research that is investigating their performance is described. Case studies are presented along with control strategies, analysis methods energy monitoring and collaborative design process.

Design guidance for naturally ventilated theatres

This paper describes first the specific challenges associated with adapting performing arts buildings for natural ventilation. The interventions in three such buildings are reviewed, the aim was to reduce their dependance on mechanical system, and to improve their thermal comfort. The ventilation and control strategies devised are reported along with the difficulties encountered during the design developement and the final performance.

Comparison of the performance of a whole house low energy ventilation system in contrasting European climatic regions

This study is part of an ongoing investigation concerning an innovative technology for whole house ventilation. An experimental whole house low energy ventilation system has been installed in dwellings located in Denmark and Poland for tests and control. A CFD analysis and a simulation were made too. The results have been compared , the low values suggested by simulations and achieved by "air supply' windows have been confirmed by the monitored results.

Airtightness testing of very large buildings: a case study

In the airtightness testing industry, the upper limit for large buildings to be tested was 5000 m2. The feasibility of testing very large buildings, over 5000 m2, with a steady state fan technique has been questioned and the authors of that paper have tested and proved the technical feasibility of this equipment. The development, calibration and application of a 2 m diameter fan pressurissation system is demonstrated in this paper.

Dynamic modelling of a wind catcher/tower turret for natural ventilation

Experimental and theoretical investigations along with CFD modelling considerations are discussed in this paper to evaluate the performance of a square section wind catcher/tower turret system for natural ventilation.The modelling results tally with the experimental results at lower wind speeds. Wind catchers are innovative techniques, their performance greatly depends on wind conditions. They should be designed as an integral part of the design of the HVAC system in an hybrid or mixed mode operation.

Improving the airtightness of existing plasterboard-lined load-bearing masonry dwellings

This paper describes an approach that has been undertaken to improve the airtightness of a number of plasterboard-lined load-bearing masonry dwellings that were constructed in the early 1970s. Such dwellings are likely to be broadly representative of many of the dwellings that will be refurbished in the UK over the next decade or so. The airtightness of the dwellings was improved by

Strategic design and analysis method of natural ventilation for summer cooling

A two-stage method is described in this paper. Its aim is to perform parametric and analytic studies of natural ventilation for summer cooling. For a strategic design of natural ventilation, that method is adequate, it is simple and straightforward. The demonstration is made of the use of that simplified method for the generation of detailed and robust data based on automatic and behavioural control models.

Potential effects of permeable and hygroscopic lightweight structures on thermal comfort and perceived IAQ in a cold climate

In this study, the importance of moisture exchange for indoor climate and moisture conditions in permeable and hygroscopic structures by means of a all-year-round dynamic simulation along with measurements in a typical Finnish one-storey detached house with mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation
Their conclusion is tha permeable and hygroscopic strucutres can significantly reduce peak relative humidity (RH) values and daily changes in RH, but with a short term effect.

Reduction of nanoparticle exposure to welding aerosols by modification of the ventilation system in a workplace

First the nanometer particle size distributions were measured in booths with two kinds of ventilation patterns in an occupational environment with welding operations underway. It appeared that the concentration of particles in the vicinity of the welder's face decreased with the modified ventilation system (with ventilation ducts located below the weld bench). The particles were also collected and analyzed to determine their morphology and composition.

Numerical study of the effect of ventilation pattern on coarse, fine, particulate matter removal in partitioned indoor environment.

For that study, a CFD technique has been developed in order to investigate indoor airflow patterns and PM10/PM2.5/PM1 removal ability in ventilated partitioned buildings . A model verification was conducted to compare the full size experiments : A good agreement with the measured mass concentrations is found.
Then numerical simulations of the effect of ventilation on PM removal were performed using three common ventilation patterns (piston displacement, mixing, and cross-flow displacement ventilation). The results and conclusions of the authors are presented.
