Indoor climate conditions and ventilation performance in Estonian lightweight detached houses

For that study, field measurements of the indoor climate and ventilation performance have been carried out in Estonia in 28 lightweight timber-frame detached houses. Temperature and relative humidity were continuously measured for each house at 1 hour interval over 1 year period. Results and comments are presented.

Indoor conditions in Silesian buildings with natural ventilation

The paper is a presentation of selected results obtained by questionnaires, measurements and simulations of ventilation processes in typical blocks of flat and office buildings in Silesia. The aim of this study is to present the investigations and to sum up the effects of airtightness and natural ventilation on indoor environment.

Potencial de la ventilacion natural nocturna. Variables de diseno. (Potential of the natural ventilation by night. Variables of )

The passive cooling techniques such as night time cross ventilation is potentially an interesting strategy to provide substantial cooling energy savings in warm climates. Night cooling ventilation efficiency is determined by three main factors: the external air flow rate in the room, the flow pattern and the thermal mass distribution.

Energy efficient buildings in mediterranean countries. The role of the building energy performance regulations and certification

The severe summer climate, the actual trends in building design (imported from northern latitudes) and the rising living standard in Mediterranean countries have promoted a massive and unnecessary use of air conditioning systems. This creates considerable problems at peak load times,
increasing the cost of electricity and disrupting the energy balance in those countries. Consequently,
the energy consumption for cooling of new and existing buildings will become a serious problem in the near future.

Improving filtration effectiveness

A field study was undertaken to evaluate and define the role of different filter efficiencies in attaining and sustaining clean HVAC componenets and distribution systems. The results of that fiels study are discussed in that article.

Effect of air supply temperature on the performance of displacement ventilation (Part 1) - Thermal comfort -

A typical office building in Honk Kong was used to study the effect of air supply temperature on the performance of displacement ventilation. That system appears to provide acceptable thermal comfort at certain air supply temperatures.

Effect of indoor and outdoor sources on particulate matter concentration in a naturally ventilated flat (Urban-Aerosol project - Prague)

In a naturally ventilated flat, indoor and outdoor characteristics of particulate matter (PM) were studied .In that aim PM concentrations were measured in winter and summer. The results and their analysis are presented.

Estudio de la ventilacion en quirofanos mediante dinamica de fluidos computacional (CFD) Study of the ventilation in operating rooms by computational fluid dynamics (CFD)

We reflect the results and conclusions of a study on the air’s motion in four old Surgery Rooms in a Basque Country (Spain) hospital that were to be reformed. Our purpose was to understand the airflow trajectory in the surgery rooms, to detect the turbule

Air Exchange Rates in the Elementary Schools in Southern Japan

The purpose of this study is to determine how levels of ventilation rates and indoor air quality vary in elementary schools in southern Japan. This study is based on field monitoring carried out as intermittent monitoring from summer to winter. The concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and the air exchange rates were measured in four classrooms in Kagoshima City. The measurements also included carbon dioxide (CO2) in a selected classroom with occupancy of the pupils.

Natural Ventilation - A Strategy for Increased Productivity

Although the concept of ventilation has been around for several thousand years, the application of ventilation to overcome low productivity in warm to hot climates has been neglected over the last few decades. Since the advent of relatively cheap air conditioning owners have been seduced into installing air conditioning in the belief that the supposed increase in productivity will offset the high capital installation cost as well as the operation and maintenance expense. Local limited research has indicated that this is not the case. In fact, anecdotal evidence suggests the opposite.
