The use of variable speed pump allows to save energy. Therefore, the impact of these technologieson the heating system and thermal comfort in buildings is rarely highlighted. The objective of this study is to show the possible impact of variable speed pump control on thermal comfort, energyconsumption and costs in buildings.The paper describes a method to evaluate the performance of a heating system in terms of thermalcomfort and global costs. A simulator has been implemented under Matlab/Simulink using theSIMBAD Toolbox to carry out annual simulations.
Available time for building construction is getting shorter, therefore the number of buildings which are built with lightweight building elements (LBE) is increasing. LBEs are elements of greater dimensions with low specific weight and low thermal transmittance. Their characteristic is also low thermal stability. By upgrading LBE with dual ventilated cavities (DVC) with counter flow becomes standard LBE a thermally activated building construction with increased thermal resistance and thermal stability. It enables using of solar radiation and heat recuperation from used air.
In cold and moderate climates, improvements in building shell insulation and air-tightness imply a shiftin heating loads from transmission and infiltration towards ventilation. Heat recovery from the ventilation airflow plays an increasingly important role in minimising energy needs. Such heat recovery systems rely on the input of electric power (to drive fans, heat pumps, etc.) in order to recover thermal energy. Since electricity input is relatively small compared to the amounts of thermal energy recovered, such systems are efficient from an energy viewpoint.
The Municipality of Imola is strongly committed to environmental friendly and energy consciouspolicies both at urban planning level and public building design. In particular, the latest constructionplan of a new junior High School building has given a chance for checking an environmentally sound and energy conscious approach on the architectural and technological design development of an educational building.
Detailed mathematical models of VAV equipment and subsystems have been developed and used tocompose larger DCV systems with a large degree of detail. The models and systems take intoaccount both flow/pressure distribution and thermal/contaminant dynamics. The models have beenvalidated against measurements. A number of detailed simulation cases have been conducted. Theresults show that energy usage depends strongly depends on occupancy, flow rates, chosen setpoints as well as the outdoor temperature.
Demand-controlled ventilation (DCV) has largely been documented in the literature through fielddemonstration projects and computer simulation studies. However, in France and in the majority ofEuropean countries, the use of this technique is still quite limited.
In this paper, a model for predicting whole building heat and moisture transfer was presented. Both heat and moisture transfer in the building envelope and indoor air were simultaneously considered; their interactions were modeled.
The use of electricity in buildings constitutes around 16% of Singapore’s energy demand. To incorporate energy efficiency measures is one of the key mission to ensure that the economy is sustainable. The recently launched building energy efficiency labell
Air leakages can cause a significant energy penalty, inability of the heating system, and failure of the ventilation system – especially in passive houses. However, they can be avoided if given serious consideration in the design phase. The use of adequat
The absolute necessity of air renewal to maintain indoor air quality and thermal comfort in buildingsfaces the major issue of energy consumption reduction and optimisation in building sector. Manystudies carried out so far point out the performances improved thanks to the recourse to ventilationstrategies and control algorithms in the aim of optimising the energy consumption of air renewal, butvery few of them could assess the performances in the particular case of large buildings despite thepotential energy gains it represents considering the great volume and huge air flow rates induced.