As a large part of the education year occurs during the cold weather season, the proportionally largeglass areas permit excessive heat loss in the classrooms. The problem with large glass areas arisesfrom the lack of control of mechanically generated heating systems. A solution for the improvement of these classrooms, is to use solar energy in the design, which is economical and practical. In thisstudy, a school in Istanbul, which has existing large classroom windows and has a solar energycollector behind the south classroom window is introduced and measurements are evaluated.
In Cuba the climate is tropical, with average solar radiation of 5.5 kW-h/m2and an annual average temperature of 25 °C. The relative humidity is high all of the time, with an annual average between 75 % and 85%. Because of this it is very interesting to t
Gas phase filters have been installed within the air handling unit of an HVAC system feeding 100 %fresh (outdoor) air to an office building. The filters efficiency for ozone (O3) and nitrogen oxides (NO2and NO) has been measured continuously over a one year period as function of time and outdoor airparameters (temperature, relative humidity). The results show that the filters efficiency varies alongtime and depends on temperature and relative humidity of air.
French buildings highly contribute to the total national energy consumption. In order to inflect theincreasing tendency, significant efforts have been encouraged by public institutions.Accordingly, the GENHEPI concept, hereunder described, aims at methodically investigate retrofitoperations to ensure an effective renovation of existing buildings. Its first phase consists in preparingand elaborating projects development by a global energy approach. Modelling and sensitivity studiesof various technical solutions permit this analysis.
The use of heat produced by solar thermal collectors is an interesting option for thermal driven airconditioning process. Three technologies are commercially available: absorption, adsorption anddesiccant cooling systems. This paper is focused on solar desiccant cooling and solar absorptionsystems. The aim of the study is to assess energetic and comfort performances of these solar coolingsystems integrated in an office building.
The paper presents the evaluation of the current HVAC components and indoor climate of a high tech Naval Depot in case of failure events. The methodology of the research was: First, implementation of the heat, air & moisture models of the building and HVAC components in SimuLink. Second, validation of the models using measured data from the present building control system. Third, simulation of the current and new HVAC systems designs. Fourth, discussion of the usability of the approach.
Application of scale models along with the use of wind tunnel testing facility have been the primary tool used in building aerodynamic studies by architects and planners. Problem areas in a given airflow study could be identified by an experience wind engineer; however, the timely sharing the results with the design team becomes essential for a successful project.
In this study the question whether or not and to what extend ventilation and air cleaning can contribute to the reduction of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in the hospitality industry is answered. First a literature review on ventilation and air cleaning technologies has been executed. Unfortunately, only a few papers reporting experimental data from the hospitability industry were available to answer the proposed question. Therefore a model describing the effect of different ventilation systems and building layouts has been set up.
The thermal exchanges between the buildings and its surroundings may be easily evaluated from balance equations. However, some parameters in the equations are prone to changesdue to decisions taken by the users at some time, and further decisions and even computations onthermal behaviour may be strongly affected by the users attitudes and actions. This can producewrong computation of energy consumption and savings, and then they have to be avoided. On theother hand, wrong actions of the users or misuses might produce uncomfortable conditions that aredifficult or expensive to handle.