Numerical Evaluation of Earth to Air Heat Exchangers and Heat Recovery Ventilation Systems

Balanced ventilation systems with heat recovery and earth to air heat exchangers are interestingtechniques, which can reduce heating and cooling demand of buildings, and improve internal thermal comfort. A numerical study is carried out to evaluate the impact of these two systems on the energy consumption and thermal comfort of a single family house. The impact on the CO2 emission is also given.

Modelling of Coupled Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer In Unconditioned Buildings :Application to the Winter Thermal Comfort.

Modelling thermal and aerial behaviour of unconditioned buildings requires an accurate knowledge of the air temperature and velocities fields inside the considered spaces. Furthermore, in ourMediterranean context, thermal and aerial aspects must be considered coupled together, because oftheir very strong interdependence. We have then developed a three-dimensional dynamic modularmodel of coupled heat transfer and airflow calculation.

Influence of Air Leakage in Building’s Walls on Heat Transmission Loss through its Envelope

The energy consumption of a building is evaluated by neglecting the heat loss which can occur when the air passes through the envelope. However, recent studies showed that air leakage plays asignificant role by affecting the thermal performances of walls and the energy consumption. Moststudies have focused on the quantification of air leakage flows through the building shell, withoutaddressing the problem of the heat exchange between this airflow and the construction materials asthe air passes through the envelope.

Indoor Environmental Criteria for Design and Calculation of Energy Performance of Buildings -EN15251 -

European Directive for Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD) was approved in the beginning of2003. The transition period is 3-6 years depending of the article. European StandardisationOrganisation (CEN) has drafted several standards to help the member countries implementing thedirective. One of these is the Criteria for the indoor environment including thermal, indoor airquality (ventilation) light and noise. The standard specifies design values of indoor environment,values to be used in energy calculations, and methods how to verify the specified indoorenvironment in the buildings.

Indoor Air Pollution with Fungus inside Well Insulated Houses - Biological Aspects -

Since the energy-crisis of the 70’ies, the trend goes to energy-saving constructions, that have strongly changed our way of building. The development of highly insulated houses in combination with manual window-airing leads to problems concerning a good q

Improvement of Indoor Air Environment in a Large Welding Factory by Displacement Ventilation

The design of ventilation equipment is important because it affects the ventilation performancedirectly. To improve the ventilation efficiency of the displacement ventilation, a new ventilation system was proposed in this study. The experiment was performed to measure the fume concentration and the visibility at four points under working conditions. In experimental results, the concentration of dust with a new ventilation system was decreased by about 42-60% compared to that of the existing system. The visibility was increased by about 11-18%.

Energy Efficiency Improvements through Sunspace Augmented Positive Input Ventilation of Buildings

Positive input ventilation (PIV) systems were installed in a new build housing development inBallantrae in south west Scotland; utilising a glazed sunspace on the south elevation of each dwelling to augment the energy saving potential of the installation. Data logging equipment was installed in each dwelling to enable assessment of the energy efficincy improvement to the property over traditional systems of ventilation.

Effect of Cleaning of Residential Ventilation System on Fan Energy Use and Ventilation Performance

Regular maintenance, such as the cleaning of filters, is important for the efficient operation ofresidential ventilation systems. The main objective of this study is to investigate effect of regularmaintenance on fan energy use and ventilation performance by using a test dwelling employingbalanced ventilation system. Experimental tests were directed with simulating the decrease of the airflow rates on terminals. Without cleaning, SFP based on the net air flow rate can indicate by 2.7 times compared with cleaned system.

Dynamic Modelling of Both Thermal and Air Quality Conditions in Houses

In this study the COwZ model (COMIS with sub-zones) was modified to allow dynamic simulations ofindoor thermal conditions, humidity and pollutant transport and concentrations throughout wholebuildings. The new version of COwZ may be used to predict the impact of heat supply and ventilation options on indoor conditions, particularly temperature and humidity, over extended periods, with dynamic weather conditions and varying occupant activities.

Development of an Energy Labelling for Ventilation Units

The actions to limit the energy consumption and the electricity demand lead in Europe and inFrance to think about the energy labelling of the consumption of the fans used in ventilationsystems. This is a complicated task as it has to take into account the multiple possibleoperating conditions, the eventual presence of a regulation system and the type of use.A study supported by Ademe has been carried out in order to propose a method for labelling ofthe ventilation units. This study was divided in four phases.
