Ventilation, indoor air quality and energy efficiency

This paper focuses on the relations between ventiliation systems, indoor air quality and energy consumption. Several strategies are pointed out by which at the same level of energy consumption, the indoor air quality is improved or at the same level of indoor air quality, the energy consumption is reduced. Thus proper ventilation methods are important for the total energy efficiency of buildings.

An integrated approach to indoor contaminant modeling

For that study , an indoor contaminant behavior prediction method has been developed. The contaminant model has been integrated within the whole building simulation environment ESP-r, then validation studies were conducted. In this paper the authors insist on the importance to have a global look at contaminant behaviour, errors could occur if spatial and temporal temperature variations were not included in the prediction of contaminant levels.

Building thermal performance simulation with direct evaporative cooling by water spray vaporization

In this paper the performance of a computer simulation code for modeling direct evaporative cooling by water spray vaporization is evaluated. A series of parametric explorations have demonstrated that the one-dimenstional model of spray (fluid dynamics and heat and mass transfer) is sufficiently consistent.

CO2-Based DCV (Demand Control Ventilation ) using 62.1-2004

This paper sums up how to use CO2-Based DCV with standard 62.1-2004 from a theoretical standpoint. Changes to the way ventilation rates are calculated in the latest version of standard 62.1 require a modification to the way C02 concentration is used in DCV control system . A CO2-DCV approach for single zone systems is discussed in detail.

Standard 62 IAQ procedure. Reduced outdoor air for auditorium

This paper advises the use of Standard 62 IAQ procedure to calculate the required outside air with air-cleaning systems to clean gasses, vapors and to improve the removal of particulates. That use allows a saving of energy, improves environment and makes easier the maintenance.

Strategies for improving IAQ

A high school of The Blue Valley School District located in Kansas city had a history of complaints about poor IAQ that was not conducive to learning. A study was carried out to provide a superior IAQ and to reduce annual utility costs. A new displacement ventilation system has replaced the traditional mixing one, a new boiler plant has created a higher seasonal efficiency. The results are quite satisfactory.

Head of the class for no GHG-School

This paper describes the case of the Ecole du Tournant in the province of Quebec. This school is greenhouse gas free and is 80 % more energy efficient than a similar school built according to the Model National Energy Code for Building (MNECB). That result has been obtained thanks to an innovative design method, its envelope's quality, its high efficiency lighting systems, low-energy HVAC system and intelligent control system.L

Multivariate evaluation of VOCs in buildings where people with non-specific building-related symptoms perceive health problems and in buildings where they do not

Nine patients and 34 buildings (homes, various shops, offices, a library, hospital departments and sport centers) were included in that study. For every patient, two "non-problem" and two "problem" buildings were selected for sampling. A multivariate VOC model was used for the classification of "problem" and "non-problem" buildings .The result of the study showed a difference in the collected VOC data in the two types of buildings , with a systematic difference in the chemical composition of the air in the buildings.

Influence of movements on contaminant transport in an operating room

This paper presents a simple and indirect method to consider the influence of persons' movements on contaminant transport in an operating room. The movements have been modeled by CFD. It appears that they might cause a local but serious risk of transport of bacteria from the non-clean zone to the clean zone. The findings can improve the practical risk assessment of unintended transport of bacteria during operations.

Troubleshooting and tweaking Air-handling systems

In this paper three real-world air-handling system problems are examined : the issues are discussed, troubleshooting techniques, solutions and lessons learnt are presented. The importance of design-phase integration of components is thus illustrated.
