This paper discusses the impact of indoor air on people at home, at school and at the office . The methods that can provide large improvements of IAQ while saving energy are also presented. This paper estimates an enormous potential that can improve IAQ in practice by using new emerging technologies
In this paper, a method for adjusting refrigerant charge is presented. it uses a charge correction equation that requires data for two operating points for parameter tuning. The two-point charge tuning method leads to much better prediction for a wide range of operating conditions and regrigerant charge levels. That method has been tested for multiple units and worked well..
A new method developed for automatic detection of refrigerant leakage in distributed refrigeration system, is presented in this paper. A supermarket store in Colorado was used as a prototype for the design of the system model and the testing and evaluating of the detection and diagnostic technique. The developed techniqueis able to detect a leakagewhen the refrigeration system loses more than 1% of the initial charge.
There are notable changes in the 2006 edition of the Guidelines for design and construction of hospital and health care facilities. Those changes are the result of a multidisciplinary review of the ventilation requirements and the ventilation recommendations are based on definitive scientific basis.
In this paper, numerical simulations were performed to investigate the dispersion mechanisms of expiratory aerosols in an enclosure wtih two different types of of ventilation airflow patterns : unidirectional downward and celing return flow. Experimental results with distilled water as working fluid were compared with some of the numerical results : they were performed in a unidirectional downward flow with the geometry identical to the numerical one. A reasonable agreement was shown.
For that study, indoor/outdoor measurements have been carried out in two residential houses in Oslo. The main objective is to determine the physico-chemical properties of indoor and outdoor particulate matter (PM) associated with actual human exposure. The parameters that influence that relationship of indoor to outdoor concentration of particulate matter in residential houses are discussed in this paper.
In so far as most Inuit infants suffer from severe Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) a pilot study was conducted in the home of 20 Inuit children during extreme cold weather conditions to obtain data on IAQ and to identify and classify risk factors for LRTI.
NO2, nicotine, relative humidity and temperature were monitored simultaneously over 7 days. Air leakage and natural air changes were determined too. Potential risk factors related to IAQ for viral LRTI were observed, such as reduction of air exchange and environmental tobacco smoke exposure.
In order to develop effective enclosure design, to set achievable performance requirements and to verify compliance in construction, it is necessary to understand air barriers in so far their use is one of the key strategies in the control of airflow. Airflow must be controlled because it carries moisture that impacts a material 's long term performance and durability. It impacts on the spread of smoke, on the distribution of pollutants and on the location of microbial reservoirs and on thermal energy.
In the tertiary sector, the checking of the indoor air quality installations requires aeraulic measurements, microbiological samples and cleaning of the ducts. The author advises to address professionals for those hygienic interventions on the installations, because they require qualified staff to maintain a good indoor air quality. A cleaning on a deficient equipment is of no use in the long term.
This paper insists on preventive actions in the field of indoor air quality with the upkeeping of air treatment installations. A precise diagnosis of the systems is necessary followed by an adequate cleaning of them : New robotized techniques have been developed for the cleaning and dust removal without any degradation of the materials that constitute the ducts.