For that study, evaluation has been made by the authors on energy saving effect when total heat exchanger is adopted for detached houses in warm area. Their conclusion is that positive use of cross-ventilation during mid-term and during nighttime in summer season is effective for the reduction of energy consumption
That paper reports field measurement results in kitchens and washrooms in a high-rise residential building. The tracer gas method was applied to understand the removal rate of contaminant. The results lead to a re-consideration of the sizing of exhaust fans.
That study demonstrates the efficiency of longitudinal spiral recuperators, their resistance to outdropping moisture from air-cooled stream. With that type of recuperator, the effect of frosting practically does not occur. The author asserts that a ventilation system with spiral recuperators refunds the capital expenditure within one or two years.
In this paper , a correlation of three parameters (temperature, relative humidity and velocity) in a single index is proposed. That index is called the preservation index in so far as it is a measure of the inside air conditions ability for the maintenance of the required level of preservation for archaeologial artifacts.
A series of experiments were conducted in a thermal chamber room served by displacement ventilation system to investigate the effect of external heat radiation on the vertical temperature profile. The vertical temperature gradient appears clearly dependent on the type of window covers and the specific heat load.
This aim of that study is to evaluate the right time to ventilate and the effectiveness of ventilation for bake-out. A field study has been conducted in residential housing units under different ventilation and heating conditions in order to compare the ventilation strategies for bake-out . Based on the test results, it appears that ventilation during bake-out reduces indoor concentrations of pollutants.
The Kroller-Muller museum , since the beginning of Climate installation, suffered the problem of condensation on the glass facades in winter time. A new concept of supply air diffuser was provided. A CFD analysis has been carried out to study and evaluate the performance ot that new system.
Amount of moisture in a bathroom and dressing room has been surveyed in order to clarify the basic unit of moisture and to define a method for moisture measurement. For the authors, the amount of moisture produced is the sum of adhesive moisture, exhausted moisture by ventilation and remaining moisture in the atmosphere.
Both measurements - made in a climate chamber equipped with both underfloor air distribution system (UFAD) and a mixing system (MS) - and numerical results are presented then compared in this paper, in order to investigate the ventilation efficiency and thermal comfort. Influences of supply air temperature and internal heat load density are studied too.
Chemical transformations occur indoors, and primary pollutants may be chemically transformed. The authors have examined how ozone-initiated indoor reactive chemistry is influenced by building materials, ventilation systems and occupant activities. Alternatives to improve IAQ are suggested