Two air terminal devices (ATD) for personalized ventilation (PV) were developed: RoundMovable Panel (RMP) and Headset-Incorporated Supply (Headset). The performance of theATDs was tested at three combinations of room air temperature and supply personalized airtemperature: 23/23C, 23/20C and 26/20C, respectively, and at different flow rates ofpersonalized air, ranging from 5 to 15 l/s for RMP and from 0.18 to 0.5 l/s for Headset. Abreathing thermal manikin was used to evaluate the inhaled air quality achieved with thedeveloped ATDs as well as the performance in regard to thermal comfort.
The concept of personalized ventilation (PV) is at the cutting edge of technologicaldevelopments in the area of air-conditioning and is fundamentally based on improvingventilation to every individual in the built environment. A PV system provides occupants withcontrol so that they can adjust their individual thermal environment as well as achieve goodindoor air quality.
In northern Europe ongoing changes in legislation that require increased levels of insulation,and the sealing of houses to reduce infiltration heat loss, has led to concerns about indoor airquality. As a result there is a need to achieve regulated and energy efficient winter ventilationin houses. The system currently being tested (WHOLE-pvs) in paired (test and control)houses and flats in Denmark, Poland and Ireland uses supply air windows in combinationwith Passive Stack Ventilation.
In time, ventilation ducts and accessories get dirty and this may lead to malfunction of ventilationequipment, fire hazard and especially a decrease in supply air quality. Repeated cleaningof the components can prevent these adverse effects. The frequency of cleaning dependson how easily different components get dirty.
During the construction of Dhoby Ghaut Station on the MRT North-East line a 10-storeycommercial development was completed. The facade is a vented cavity of a triple glazedconstruction comprising of an Insulated Glazed Unit, cavity blind with natural ventilation, anda single internal operable glazed layer. This type of facade technology has been used inEurope; however, its relevance in tropical climates where buildings are cooling-dominatedneeds to be carefully considered.
Whilst Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been popularly applied in indoor air andventilation research, most Personalized Ventilation (PV) research is based on experiments.This study is an attempt to seek validation of PV experimental data with results fromnumerical models of Air Terminal Device (ATD), since the ATD is crucial in the simulation ofPV system.The CFD study involves a systemic study and comparison of various simulation methods ofPV ATD, aimed to develop PV ATD models for future whole room PV system simulation.Boundary Conditions (BC) are obtained from an elaborate set of me
An advanced supply air filtration unit has been developed, and its performance was evaluatedin the laboratory. The filter consists of an electrically enhanced particle filter and an adsorbentfilter for gases. It has been designed for installation near supply air outlets. The performanceof the filtration unit was measured in the laboratory. The results showed that the filtrationefficiency for submicron particles was over 95% during the whole lifetime of the filter. Theremoval efficiency of the gas filter for toluene was also high, over 95%.
The ventilated ceiling is a flexible solution for kitchen ventilation where the heat loads arerelatively low and aesthetics is a concern. The use of hoods is an ideal solution for locallyhandling contaminants produced in concentrated areas. Thus, special attention should betaken on the ventilated ceiling which removes air at the ceiling level. The simulationsconducted show that the capture jet improves the total effectiveness of the ventilated ceiling.Indoor air quality is enhanced in an energy efficient manner.
The simulation has been performed using the CFD package SWIFT. In the first phase, meanflow and thermal comfort parameters of the integral living room of the modern family househave been calculated. In the second phase the effect of turbulence was the subject of interest.Two turbulence models, the k-e and the HTM (Hybrid Turbulence Model), were applied.HTM already showed good results in other application areas, e.g. aerodynamics of cars. Thepresent study demonstrates the new approach in modelling and calculating air conditioning ofthe rooms.
Calculating the contamination concentrations in a space or the required ventilation for a spacehas been a difficult and confusing part in the application of the IAQ Procedure ofANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. Appendix D ofASHRAE Standard 62 currently presents one method for performing these calculations, but itis limited to the steady-state analysis of a single zone.