A sustainable building designed for a cold climate with extensive use of information technology

A SUSTAINABLE BUILDING DESIGNED FOR A COLD CLIMATE WITH EXTENSIVE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY In the past, Telenor’s operations in Bergen have been spread across many sites and buildings. This was regarded as ineffective and uneconomic, and in 1995, the

Analysis Methods for Natural and Hybrid Ventilation : a Critical Literature Review and Recent Developments

This paper is based on the results of Subtask B of the HybVent Project. It presents a critical review of the literature and recent developments in analysis methods for natural and hybrid ventilation in buildings. Ideally, analytical methods aimed at modelling hybrid ventilation systems should incorporate at least three key aspects i.e: the natural ventilation mode, the mechanical ventilation mode and the control strategy. Depending on the input parameters used within the control strategy, thermal comfort and indoor air quality related parameters may also need to be predicted.

Design analysis of single-sided natural ventilation

This study concerns single-sided natural ventilation by using a CFD model, along with analytical and empirical models. The effects of opposing buoyancy and wind forces on ventilation rates and indoor conditions were alos studied in that investigation.

Mold and health issues

Over the past decade, there has been extreme media attention to issues about mold and allegedlyadverse effects. Unfortunately, misinformation about mold and health effects abounds and oftenthe public is led to believe that exposure to mold is a dangerous event. This paper presentscommon points of misinformation about mold and health. Scientific documentation to refute themisinformation is presented.

Heat pumps in compact ventilation appliances for solar passive houses - Part 2 Kompressionswärmepumpen inLüftungs-Kompaktgeräten für Solar-Passivhäuser - Teil 2

Compact ventilation appliances appeared on the market for solar passive houses. They include a heat pump to transfer heat from ventilation exhaust air to fresh air and/or domestic hot water. This article is the second part of a serie of two. It continues to describe a model for simulating the operation and performance of such appliances which was developped to be used in the TRNSYS software environment. It compares the results of calculations with those of laboratory measurements.

Cuisines professionnelles - Soigner la détermination du débit d'air extrait Professionnal kitchen - To determine exhaust ventilation rate

The aim of ventilation for commercial kitchens is capturing fumes and odours, providing fire protection measures and insuring comfort. But the technologies concerning extraction and introduction of fresh air are not numerous.In this article, the author explains how difficult are the dimensioning of the equipment and the calculation of the airflow to extract.The author also refers to guide and regulations related to commercial kitchens.

The effect of external conditions on indoor air quality in new buildings

The development of indoor air quality was studied in three newly finished buildings in Helsinki, Finland during the years 2000-2002. The concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOC), formaldehyde and ammonia, for which the Finnish Classification of Indoor Climate 2000 gives target values, in indoor air as well as the air exchange rate, relative humidity and temperature were determined for the newly finished buildings and 6- 12 months after the buildings had been taken in use.

Air-to-air exchangers

This article discusses how to integrate all air-to-air devices into an HVAC system that may contain one or more air-to-air exchangers as well as conventional components for ventilation and comfort control.HVAC systems with air-to-air exchangers need to be carefully designed for the location of each device in the system, with the winter and summer design performance of each device and the total annual energy saved by the HVAC system.

Building airtightness. How tight is tight enough ?

This paper asks questions about what is the right tightness and a warns against too tight tightness guidelines.The author gives advice :- A tight building envelope should reduce average natural infiltration (due to wind and temperature) to 0.05 to 0.1 air change per hour.- A tight building envelope should contain the desired air pressure field.- A building envelope should not be too tight because of the unbalanced airflows that can create excessive levels of depressurization.
