Ventilation for odour control

The author gives practical advices in the design of local exhaust ventilation system (mainly hoods) to capture the contaminant and general ventilation systems to dilute the offending chemical contaminant to acceptable effects. The effect on local environment is studied too.

Airtighness of ventilation network with sealed fittings

Air tighness of ventilation network is very important, so the manufacturers have developped sets of new sealed fittings. These new equipments have been tested in CETIAT laboratory. Results show good performance in term of air tighness and installation time.

On site trials of an evaluation methodology for the overall tightness of ventilation installations

The new French regulation about energy performance of buildings (RT 2000) specifies airtighness criterion for ventilation network. The author gives a methodology to measure the overall airtighness of ventilation installations on site. Examples based on a school and an apartment building are given.

Directive 2002/91/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on the energy performance of buildings

The objective of this European Directive, which has to be transposed in national laws in European countries before 4 January 2006, is to promote the improvement of the energy performance of buildings, taking into account outdoor climatic conditions and local conditions, as well as indoor climate requirements and cost-effectiveness.
The directive lays down esuirements as regard :
a - the general framework for a methodology of calculation of the integrated energy performance of buildings (including aspects such as ventilation and indoor climatic conditions);

Influence of air diffuser layout on the ventilation of workstations

Seven air supply and return diffusion layouts were tested to determine their effects on air distribution, air change efficiency and ventilation efficiency for workstations in an open-plan office. This document describes and comments the results of these measurements.

Current approaches for mechanical ventilation of houses

Current approach for design and installation of mechanical ventilation systems in houses is described in the framework of Canadian building codes and standards, which contain requirements about air change rates, air distribution, sound level, interference with other systems or building envelope.

Energy performance of buildings - Calculation procedures used in European countries

This report gives a comparison of the calculation methods used in 21 European countries for energy performance of buildings. It comments the differencies and similarities between these national procedures. Different aspects of calculation methods are analysed in details, including the way to calculate heat losses due to ventilation. Comments are given about the way by which calculations procedures are treating or taking into account points such as minimum ventilation rates, intermittent and demand controlled ventilation, air infiltrations, duct tightness, heat recovery, fan power.

Full-scale wind pressures on a permeable roof of a low-rise building

Measurements were operated during years 2000 and 2001 on a full-scale test house on the site of BBRI (Belgium) in order to determine the pressures due to the wind on the roof. This paper presents the measurements results and the pressure coefficients obtained. Results are compared with the values of pressures on the roof given by the calculation method of Eurocode 1 (EC1).

Review of airflow measurements techniques

Airflow measurements techniques are necessary to determine the most basic of inddoor air quality questions : "Is there enough fresh air to provide a healthy environment for the occupants of the building?" . This publication outlines airflow measurement techniques, but it does not make recommendations for techniques that should be used. The airflows that are discussed are those within a room or zone, those between or zones, such as through doorways (open or closed) or passive vents, those between the building and outdoors, and those through mechanical air distribution systems.

Considerations in the design of smoke management systems for atriums

This document describes the designing process of a smoke management system for an atrium, using tools going from empirical equations to complex models, in order to have a safe evacuation of occupants in case of fire.
