Evaluating the thermal quality of a room

The paper describes a measurement system developed by Dantec to evaluate room thermal comfort according to ISO 7730 standard (determination of PMV and PPD indices).

Improving indoor air quality in schools by utilizing displacement ventilation

The study conducted by the US Government Accounting Office in 1995 says that 25 % of the nation’s schools are plagued by IAQ problems, even higher percentage of schools having IAQ problems is reported by the Environmental Protection Agency (Johnston and D

Research on the fluctuating characteristics of airflow in the naturally ventilated buildings

Natural ventilation’s fluctuating airflow has impacts on the thermal comfort and VOCs transportation in the naturally ventilated buildings. Research about the fluctuating characteristics of the airflow in naturally ventilated buildings was carried on in t

Numerical calculation of mean radiant temperature and temperature assymmetry for complex room geometry

This paper proposes an algorithm based on the computation of view factors to evaluate the mean radiant temperature in a room with a complex geometry.

Residences of the elderly: ventilation and indoor air physical properties

Ventilation and indoor air characteristics were measured in 63 apartments for elderly people in Finland and residents were inquired about indoor climate. Results are shown and analysed.

IAQ, energy, and cost implications of underfloor air distribution systems

Literature was reviewed about underfloor systems and engineers having experienced these systems on completed projects were interviewed. Underfloor air distribution systems improve thermal comfort , indoor air quality and user satisfaction.

A study of thermal comfort in an office environment with floor return type underfloor ventilation system

Thermal comfort (PMV and PPD indices) of a floor return underfloor ventilation system was evaluated through experiments with different supply air temperatures and internal heat loads. Results are shown and analysed.

Lärmbekampfung in RLT-Anlagen, Teil 1 Noise reduction in ventilation systems, part 1

This paper describes the precautions that have to be taken in design and installation of ventilation systems in order to reduce their noise. They concern fans, ducts and ductwork, air inlet and outlet, air diffusers, air handling unit.

Ventilation efficiencies of a desk-edge mounted task ventilation system

A personalized ventilation system located underneath the front edge of a desk was tested regarding to its ventilation efficiency using a heated mannequin and tracer gas. The air change effectiveness ranged from 1.4 to 2.7.

Evaluation of thermal comfort in ceiling cooling system

Thermal comfort obtained with a ceiling cooling system was investigated through experiments with human subjects. Results give their perception of thermal comfort and its relationships with skin temperatures measured at several parts of the body.
