TN 5.3: Air Infiltration Glossary - Italian edition

This document is the Italian translation of the AIRGLOSS (AIVC TN 5).

The glossary provides the definition of 700 terms related to air infiltration and ventilation (including formulas). The intention of the document is to promote a more uniform use of terms in the area of ventilation.

The Glossary consists of main terms with definitions followed by any subsidiary terms. The main terms are in alphabetic order.

Energy parameters of the building envelope and degree-days concept. Caratterizzazione energetica dell'involucro edilizio egradi-giorno modificati.

As a further development of the degree-days concept, a simple parameter which takes into account site's metereological conditions as well as building envelope performance is proposed in this paper. Such a parameter shows good correlation with building energy requirements, both in winter and in summer conditions.
