China joins the AIVC

The AIVC is very pleased to welcome China as new participating country! China will be represented in the AIVC board by Guoqiang Zhang, Dean of Institute of Sustainable Urbanization and Construction Innovation, Hunan University and Weijun Chen from Hunan Shinilion Energy Saving Sci. and Tech. Corp. Ltd.

The AIVC at present counts 14 countries composing the AIVC Board demonstrating the growing interest on air infiltration and ventilation issues in new and renovated buildings.


AIVC 2018 Conference - Abstract submission deadline extended

The abstract submission deadline for the 39th AIVC - 7th TightVent - 5th venticool joint conference "Smart ventilation for buildings" to be held on 18 and 19 September 2018 in Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France, has been extended to 20 March, 2018.

Most of the topical sessions are now known. The provisional list of topical sessions is as follows:


Register now for the AIVC webinar on smart ventilation

The AIVC is organising the webinar: "IAQ sensors for smart ventilation of buildings" to be held on Tuesday 6 March 2018, 15:00-16:30 (Brussels time, CET).

The objective of this AIVC webinar is:

  • to show an overview of the available low cost sensors for indoor air measurements (particulates, VOCs, CO2);
  • to present results of two recent laboratory and on site evaluations of some sensors;
  • to assess their applicability to ventilation system control.

Presentations and speakers:


Save the date for our webinar on smart ventilation - 6 March 2018, 15:00-16:30 (CET)

Mark your calendars for the upcoming webinar on IAQ sensors for smart ventilation of buildings on 6 March 2018 at 15:00-16:30 (CET).

Presentations and speakers include:

  • Evaluating particulate sensors for IAQ controls, Iain Walker (LBNL, USA)
  • Assessment of particulates and VOCs low-cost sensors, Laure Mouradian (CETIAT, France)

Registration will open soon so stay tuned!


Ductwork Airtightness Webinar – Recordings & slides now available!

The recordings and the slides of our recent webinar: “Ductwork airtightness: Standardisation’s on- going work and an overview of status and trends in Sweden, Japan, Spain and Portugal” organised in cooperation with TightVent Europe and the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre, are now available online here. Check them out!


19-20 March 2018 - AIVC Workshop

The AIVC in cooperation with ASHRAE and BRANZ are organizing a free 2-day workshop in Wellington, New Zealand. 

The objective of this AIVC workshop is to discuss and identify ways to improve the quality of our homes with respect to airtightness and ventilation, as well as discussing the impact suboptimal performance has on energy consumption and health of the occupants. Also of interest are the impacts of mandatory airtightness targets and how best to implement these, if at all.

Specific topics include:


23 Mar-18 - AIVC Workshop "Ventilation for IAQ and cooling"

The AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre) and the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Low Carbon Living warmly invite you to participate in a free, one-day workshop Ventilation for Indoor Air Quality and Cooling in Sydney on Friday 23 March, 2018.

The workshop is presented in collaboration with the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) and UNSW Built Environment.


Call for abstracts for the 39th AIVC conference

The 39th AIVC conference "Smart ventilation for buildings" will be held on 18 and 19 September 2018 in Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France, together with the 7th TightVent and the 5th venticool conferences. 

Abstract submission is now open.

For further information on registration etc. please visit the conference website.

More information is available here.



Register now for the TightVent webinar on ductwork airtightness

Ductwork airtightness: Standardisation’s on- going work and an overview of status and trends in Sweden, Japan, Spain and Portugal

Thursday 25 January 2018, 09:00-10:30 (Brussels time, CET)

The objective of this webinar is:


venticool newsletter issue #11 – December 2017 now available

The eleventh issue of the venticool newsletter (December, 2017) is now available for download.

Specific contents include:

