23 May, 2019 - AIVC webinar on kitchen ventilation
06-05-2019 | EU
AIVC organized the webinar “New Perspectives on Kitchen Ventilation” held on Thursday 23 May 2019 at 16:00-17:30 (CET). The webinar discussed kitchen venting, including measurements of contaminants that are emitted from cooking, discussions of kitchen exhaust ventilation system performance and guidance on best practices for kitchen ventilation.
Presentations & Speakers included:
- Assessing the health risks of exposure to cooking pollutants. Benjamin Jones, University of Nottingham, UK
- Evaluating cooker hood effectiveness. Iain Walker, LBNL, USA
- Empirical and theoretical investigations of fine particle emission from cooking. Catherine O’Leary, University of Nottingham, UK
- From range hood capture efficiency to human exposure. Willem De Gids, VentGuide, Netherlands
To download the slides of the presentations please click here.
The recordings of the webinar are also available online here.
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