41st AIVC - ASHRAE IAQ joint conference - 14-16 September 2020, Athens
05-01-2020 | Greece
The conference "IAQ 2020: Indoor Environmental Quality Performance Approaches Transitioning from IAQ to IEQ", organized by ASHRAE and AIVC will be held on September 14-16, 2020 in Athens, Greece. The conference will also be the 9th TightVent and 7th venticool conference.
Conference topics
- Health and Well-being: Appropriate technical and operational definitions
- Performance Metrics: For all aspects of IEQ
- Interactions: Interactions between IEQ parameters
- Occupant Behavior: How behavior impacts IEQ and how IEQ impacts behavior – psychological dimensions of IEQ
- Smart Sensors and Big Data: Sensor properties, data management, cybersecurity, applications
- Smart Controls: Equipment properties, commissioning, equivalence
- Resilience and IEQ: Responding to climate change and disasters
- Ventilation: Mechanical, passive, natural and hybrid systems
- Air Tightness: Trends, methods and impacts
- Thermal Comfort: Dynamic approaches, health impacts and trends
- Policy and Standards: Trends, impacts, implications
Keynote speakers
- Philomena Bluyssen, Professor of Indoor Environment, TU Delft
- Richard de Dear, Ph.D., Director, Indoor Environmental Quality Laboratory, University of Sydney
- Mariana Figuiero, Director of the Lighting Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Dr. Benjamin Jones, Associate Professor, University of Nottingham
- Cath Noakes, PhD, FIMechE, FIHEEM, Professor of Environmental Engineering for Buildings, University of Leeds
- Stephanie Taylor MD, M Architecture, CIC, FRSPH(UK), MCABE, Taylor Healthcare Consulting, Inc.
For further information and updates visit: https://www.aivc.org/event/13-15-september-2021-conference-athens-41st-aivc-ashrae-iaq-joint-conference