43rd AIVC Conference, 2023: Best paper, best poster & student competition awards

Paper, poster & student competition awards were given during the closing session of the joint 43rd AIVC – 11th TightVent – 9th venticool conference: “Ventilation, IEQ and health in sustainable buildings” held in Copenhagen, Denmark on 4-5 October 2023.
Best paper award:
The jury for the best paper award, consisting of Hilde Breesch (KU Leuven, Belgium), Benjamin Jones (University of Nottingham, UK), Valérie Leprince (Cerema, France) & Iain Walker (LBNL, USA) nominated the papers listed below:
- Impact and benefits of the air cleaning measures implemented in two schools, Liang Grace Zhou, Chang Shu, Justin Berquist, Janet Gaskin, and Greg Nilsson (NRC, Canada)
- Can naturally ventilated office buildings cope with dusty outdoor air?, Evangelos Belias (EPFL, Switzerland), Flourentzos Flourentzou (ESTIA SA, Switzerland) Dusan Licina (EPFL, Switzerland)
- Airtightness predictive model from measured data of residential buildings in Spain, Irene Poza-Casado, Pilar Rodríguez-del-Tío, Miguel Fernández-Temprano, Miguel Ángel Padilla-Marcos & Alberto Meiss (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain)
The best paper award was then given to Evangelos Belias for his paper:
Title: “Can naturally ventilated office buildings cope with dusty outdoor air?”
Authors: Evangelos Belias (EPFL, Switzerland), Flourentzos Flourentzou (ESTIA SA, Switzerland) & Dusan Licina (EPFL, Switzerland)
A recording of the presentation is available here.
Figure 1: Best paper award, Evangelos Belias (left) & Max Sherman (right) at the 43rd AIVC – 11th TightVent – 9th venticool joint conference
Best poster award
The best poster award was determined by a jury consisting of Jaap Hogeling from REHVA and Max Sherman from the University of Nottingham, and it was presented to the poster created by David Artigas & Sean M. O’Brien:
Title: “Energy implications of increased ventilation in commercial buildings to mitigate airborne pathogen transmission”
Authors: Sean M. O’Brien, David Artigas, Ece Alan (Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc., USA)
A recording of the presentation is available here.
Student competition award
The student competition award jury, responsible for recognizing outstanding papers based on bachelor's or master's theses, comprised Alireza Afshari (Aalborg University, Denmark) & Maria Kolokotroni (Brunel University, UK). 2 authors jointly shared this award:
Ryuichi Yasunaga for the paper:
Title: “Method for Evaluating an Air-Conditioning System with Natural Ventilation by Coupled Analysis of a Building Energy Simulation Tool and Computational Fluid Dynamics”
Authors: Ryuichi Yasunaga & Yasuyuki Shiraishi (The University of Kitakyushu, Japan)
& María Jesús Romero-Lara for the paper
Title: “Long-term energy performance of dew-point indirect evaporative cooler under the climate change world scenario”
Authors: María Jesús Romero-Lara, Francisco Comino & Manuel Ruiz de Adana (University of Cordoba, Spain)
A recording of the presentation is available here.
Figure 2: Students Competition award, Ryuichi Yasunaga (left) & Max Sherman (right) at the 43rd AIVC – 11th TightVent – 9th venticool joint conference
Note: Cited papers will be available on AIVC’s AIRBASE (https://www.aivc.org/resources/collection-publications/aivc-conference-proceedings-presentations) in the end of March 2024