AIVC 2022 Conference evaluation results

The evaluation questionnaire of the 42nd AIVC conference: “Ventilation changes in a changing world” was sent out to 142 attendees of the event. 77 participants filled in the evaluation form. We are happy to share with you a summary of the main results!
General outcomes:
- The conference met the expectations of 97% of the participants
- 90% of the participants would recommend the conference to others
- 82% of the participants would attend another conference on this topic
Conference Sessions Content: 92% of the participants agreed that the content of the conference sessions was appropriate and informative
Quality of information presented: 95% of the participants rated the quality of information presented as excellent or good
Conference Organisation: 96% of the participants agreed that the conference was well organised
Registration Process: 88% of the participants were very or rather satisfied with the registration process
Conference Publicity: 88% of the participants were very or rather satisfied with the conference publicity
Conference Venue: 82% of the participants were very or rather satisfied with the conference venue
Food & beverages: 76% of the participants were very or rather satisfied with the food and beverages
Would you recommend this conference to others?
Please rate this conference in terms of meeting your expectations