AIVC Newsletter - March 2016, now available!
With the aim to maximise its impact on the dissemination of information on research and development in the fields of ventilation and air infiltration, the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC) continues to “spread the word”, through the organisation of conferences or thematic workshops, the production of technical notes, the cooperation with well-established organisations, the convergence with other information channels and so on.
In particular, we are very happy to announce the release of a new AIVC technical note on "Ventilation and Health". AIVC is also working on the 2020 research agenda for ventilation and infiltration, which will be discussed at the CLIMA 2016 conference in a specific session. Note also that other specific AIVC projects (which are listed on the AIVC website) will be discussed at the CLIMA 2016 conference and at the annual AIVC conference, organised this year in cooperation with ASHRAE.
This issue gives a glance at the Centre’s contribution to the communication of knowledge in the ventilation and air infiltration community, through its various information tools. Feel free to visit our website to find out more and mark your agenda for the following upcoming events:
- 12th REHVA World Congress- CLIMA 2016 Conference on May 22-25, 2016 in Aalborg, Denmark, with 3 specific sessions held with the support of AIVC
- 37th AIVC-ASHRAE- IAQ joint Conference on September 12-14, 2016 in Alexandria, VA, USA
The newsletter is freely accessible here.