AIVC Newsletter, Special Issue COVID-19, July 2021
The 3rd special issue of the AIVC newsletter - one of the outcomes of the AIVC project ‘Ventilation, airtightness and COVID‐19’- has just been released! The newsletter aims to disseminate information about COVID‐19 in relation to ventilation and airtightness. As in previous issues a new set of question and answers is provided to address issues in relation to COVID‐19 and building ventilation in line with most recent scientific understanding. More elaborate answers are available on the FAQ‐section of the AIVC‐website, where all FAQ’s in relation to COVID‐19 are listed. The newsletter also contains an article by Jinjun Ye et al. giving an overview of general practice guidelines of HVAC system use in China during the pandemic of COVID‐19.
Specific contents include:
- Editorial
- Call to readers
- AIVC's COVID‐19 Working Group FAQs
- HVAC system use in China during the pandemic of COVID‐19
- Previously published FAQ related to COVID‐19
- AIVC's COVID‐19 Working Group
- AIVC Countries & Board Members
If you have specific questions related to COVID-19 and ventilation, please let us know by writing an email to
The newsletter is freely accessible here: