Feedback from the 5th meeting of the Advisory Board of Practitioners for Annex 80 & venticool & AIVC

On March 30th, Annex 80 scientists, practitioners, and planners as well as representatives from the building cooling associated industry gathered for the 5th meeting of the Advisory Board of Practitioners. This board, an initiative of Annex 80, AIVC and venticool, was founded to put results of scientific research into action by establishing strong ties to practitioners and to include their practical experience in future research projects.
17 participants attended the meeting which dealt with the topic of “Advances of Cooling Technologies (part 1)”. After two short impulse presentations on “Innovations in Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems: Use of Phase Change Materials (PCM)” by Dragos-Ioan Bogatu – DTU and “Personalized Environmental Control Systems” by Ongun Berk Kazanci – DTU, participants discussed questions and statements in smaller groups of 4-6 persons. The outcomes of these break-out sessions were then presented and summarised in the plenary session.
During the break-out sessions, questions such as the following were discussed:
Do you have personal experience with radiant cooling?
- If yes, in which type of buildings?
- Would you consider them appropriate for cooling? If not, why?
- Can you think of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats?
Do you have personal experience with PECS?
- If yes, in which type of buildings?
- Would you consider them appropriate for cooling? If not, why?
- Can you think of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats?
Thinking of resiliency, which of the following technologies would you consider more resilient to heat waves, why?
- Ceiling Fans
- Radiant Panels
- External Shading
- Compression Refrigeration
Do you think the relevance of these technologies will increase in the future?
Which other new cooling technologies do you think will be important in the future?
All participants from the Board have experience with radiant cooling systems, while experience with PECS is limited. They concluded that both technologies are efficient ways to ensure indoor environmental comfort. PECS have potential, but one of the barriers is investment costs. Another conclusion could also be that the implementation of PECS should remain simple, rather complementary than as substitute. If trying to solve too many issues with such systems, they are believed to become too complicated and difficult to use, leading to reverse effects.
Next meetings
Meeting 06: September, 2022 (exact date to be announced)
“Advances of cooling technologies (pt2)”
- Reduce heat loads to people and indoor environments
- Remove sensible heat from indoor environments
- Enhance personal comfort apart from space cooling
- Remove latent heat from indoor environments
If you are interested to join the board, please contact Philipp Stern at