Summaries of the AIVC 2014 conference available
Around 150 participants attended the joint 35th AIVC –4th TightVent -2nd venticool conference held in Poznan, Poland September 24-25, 2014. The programme consisted of 3 parallel tracks with contributions from 27 countries and international organizations. Over 100 presentations were given covering topics including air infiltration through leaks in the building envelope and ductwork, ventilation in relation to IAQ and health, ventilative cooling and thermal comfort. It has also been a major discussion place for on-going projects and initiatives such as the QUALICHeCK project and platform, the IEA EBC annex 62, the TightVent Europe and venticool platforms, the newly formed Indoor Environmental Quality – Global Alliance (IEQ-GA), etc., based on presentations of results and perspectives as well as interactions with the audience.
The airtightness track of the conference consisted of 6 sessions with 26 presentations. Specific topical sessions dealing with airtightness included the followig topics:
- Quality issues in airtightness testing
- Durability of airtightness
- Characterization of airtightness products
- Ductwork airtightness in new and renovated buildings
The ventilative cooling track of the conference consisted of 4 sessions with 29 presentations. Specific topical sessions dealing with ventilative cooling included the following topics:
- Ventilative cooling and Annex 62
- Comfort in sustainable buildings
Download the airtightness track summary at:
Download the ventilative cooling track summary at: