Describes experiment to determine the effect of an evergreen windbreak on residential heat losses attributable to air infiltration. Eight-meter tall pines were arranged as an experimental windbreak to shelter a townhouse for nine weeks Air infiltration was measured continuously using SF6 as a tracer gas to compare air change rates before and after the windbreak. A dimensionless parameter was derived to distinguish between wind-and temperature-produced air infiltration and to determine the effects of wind direction. Concludes that for wind speeds of 5.6 m/s with the wind perpendicular to the row of trees and house air infiltration was reduced by 42%. Found that the shelterbelt had no effect on windfrom other directions than across the break. states that results of experiment followed the predictions from wind tunnel simulations.
The effectiveness of an evergreen windbreak for reducing residential energy consumption.

Bibliographic info:
ASHRAE trans. vol 85 part 2, p428-444