Sherman M.H. Grimsrud D.T.
Bibliographic info:
ASHRAE Trans. vol.82 part 2 1980 p.778-807 LBL 10163.

Presents a model for predicting air infiltration that eliminates many site- specific parameters normally required. The only information necessary is the geometry and leakage of the structure obtained from fan pressurization measurements. Theleakage quantities, expressed in terms of effective areas, are total leakage area and the leakage areas of the floor and ceiling. Weather parameters are mean wind speed, terrain class, and average temperature difference. The model separates the infiltration problem into two distinct parts: stack and wind regimes. Each regime is treated independently: the transitionbetween them is sharp. The model has been tested with data from several sites, differing in climate and construction methods. Discusses reasons for discrepancies between predicted and measured infiltration.