Reviews the state of the art in the measurement of ventilation and air infiltration. Considers tracer gas techniques and discusses some of the tracer gases used as well as some of the potential sources of error. Also discusses fan pressurization-evacuation procedures for measuring building tightness and compares fan and tracer measurements. Discusses the ASHRAE crack method. Considers factors influencing infiltration rate and finally reviews a few of the empirical equations that have been developed to correlate infiltration rate with wind velocity and inside-outside temperature difference.
Air infiltration: A review of some existing measurement techniques and data.

Bibliographic info:
In "Building Air Change Rate and Infiltration Measurements" Proceedings, ASTM Conference Gaithersburg 13 March 1978 C.M.Hunt J.C.King H.R.Trechsel eds. ASTM 1980 p.3-23