Describes some improvements to existing windows, such as increase of thermal insulation and airtightness, easier handling of windows consisting of separate casements, repairs, maintenance and alterations to be made when old windows are replaced.< In the section dealing with thermal insulation, tests were carried out by installing a third pane in the windows in 10 houses, and by reducing ventilation between the panes in 20 houses.< Repair of some types of damage was observed in some case studies. Repainting/maintenance was dealt with both by summarising recommendations from a number of trade specialists and by giving the author's own views. Describes effects and costs from some case studies.
Improvements to existing windows. Atgarder med befintliga fonster.

Bibliographic info:
Swedish Council for Building Research, Stockholm. report R55:1980 83p. ISBN 91-540-3246-6 #DATE 01:01:1980 in Swedish #AICR SE5