Reports root mean square and extreme pressure measurements made on a model of the Aylesbury housing estate in the Oxford wind tunnel. Also presents a complete set of measurements on the test house alone, corresponding to the varied roof pitch records. Presents extreme value data in the form of a Fisher-Tippett type probability function.< Discusses design of the experiments, experimental procedures and results. Gives 47 tables comparing full scale with wind tunnel results. Includes results of wind tunnel measurements made at Bristol University. Finds that the two wind tunnel simulations agree well with each other. This report includes all the data collected, much of it not analysed in full.
Wind tunnel pressure measurements on the Aylesbury low-rise housing estate:< part II. Mean R.M.S. and extreme pressures with frequency spectra.

Bibliographic info:
University of Oxford, Dept. of Engineering Science, report no.1271/78 90 figs. 24 refs. #DATE 01:01:1978 in English #AICR UK6