Reports investigation of mean and fluctuating pressure inside buildings, induced by wind using boundary layer wind tunnel and computer simulation techniques. Mean and root-mean-square fluctuating internal pressure coefficients were both found to be monotonic functions of the ratio of windward to leeward opening areas.< The case of a single windward opening was treated as a damped Helmholtz resonator. Inertia effects were found to produce resonance amplification in the response of the internal pressure to turbulent external pressures and to a step change in external pressure.< For correct scaling of fluctuating internal pressures, wind tunnel testing should be tested at full scale wind velocities. Shows that similarity can be maintained at lower wind tunnel velocities by distorting the internal volume by a factor equal to the square of the velocity ratio.
Mean and fluctuating internal pressures induced by wind.

Bibliographic info:
In "Wind Engineering" Proceedings 5th International Conference Fort Collins, Colorado USA 8-14 July 1979 vol.1 p.435-450