As part of a study by the Building Research Foundation on control methods for the thermal quality of homes, research has been carried out into the usefulness and consequences of a measuring method for the determination of the the airtightness of houses. Airtightness measurements were carried out in sixhouses. Data on occurring ventilation was already available from other research. It appears that the pressurization test for the airtightness of houses can be used to determine the thermal quality of the home. The relation between the occurring ventilation and the resulting energy losses is not clear. The main air leaks in Dutch houses are the roof construction of single-family houses and the ventilation and flue gas discharge ducts.
Applicability of a measuring method for determining the airtightness of houses. Toepassing en consequenties van een meetmethode voor de luchtdoorlatendheid van woningen.
Bibliographic info:
Report C462 TNO Institute for Environmental Hygiene October 1980 45p. 10 figs. 5 tabs. 13 refs. #DATE 01:10:1980 in Dutch