Presents the results of an investigation carried out on behalf of the Swiss Ministry for Environmental Protection. The main aims were to find acalculation method for the annual energy demand of a building which takes into account solar heat gain and which generates data permitting the effect of thermal protection regulations on energy consumption to be evaluated. Treats the effect on transmission heat loss of outside walls of absorbed solar radiation, the specific heat loss of typical dwellings, reference years based on weather data for energy consumption calculations. Describes the calculation model in some detail. Discusses the dependence of building energy consumption on outdoor climate, building construction, the effect of sizing the heating planton oil consumption. Treats a simplified heat demand calculation.
The heat demand of dwellings. Theoretical investigations based on model investigations. Heizenergieverbrauch von Wohnbauten. Thoeretische Untersuchung anhand von Modellrechnungen.
Bibliographic info:
EMPA Report February 1980 108pp. 29 figs. 19 tabs. 12 refs. #DATE 01:02:1980 in German