The Department of Building Technology, the Technological Institute of Copenhagen, have for several years been developing equipment for continuous measurement of air infiltration. It enables continuous measurement of air change rate in up to ten rooms, the constant concentration method with tracer gas is used, and the results are recorded on a computer diskette during measurement. Analysis of possible measuring errors show that the method is accurate and to within plus or minus 5%. Shows the results of measurement of air infiltration in 10 relatively airtight dwellings. The air change rate of an occupied dwelling can be more than 5 times the air change rate of an unoccupied dwelling.
Continuous measurement of air change rate in occupied buildings Boligers luftskifte l brugstilstand
Bibliographic info:
Byggeteknik Teknologisk Institut. Report, 1984, 95pp,, 65 figs, 13 tabs, 11 refs. #DATE 01:01:1984, in Danish,