Describes measurements made in a real factory building and comparisons with the scale model tests presented in the previous report. The ventilation system of the factory building is a mechanical one with the necessary rate of ventilation designed to be less than that calculated by the conventional method. The parameters studied included air velocities measured with hotwire anemometers at the inlet openings and the temperatures in the work hall itself measured from a crane. The masses and heat flows of air entering and leaving the hall through openings were determined and their balances were examined. In practice some fluctuations are unavoidable and there are some limitations on the simulation of the full details of buildings. Nevertheless, measurements in a real building are in reasonable agreement with the model.
Experimental studies on factory ventilation with large heat sources. Part 3 Measurements in a real factory building and comparisons with its scale model

Bibliographic info:
Trans.Soc.Heat.Air.Condit.Sanit.Engrs.Japan February 1984, no.24