A tracer method was developed for the evaluation of workplace ventilation. Nitrous oxide or freon was used as the tracer. The concentration of the tracer gas was measured with an infra-red analyser. The versatility of the tracer technique for industrial hygiene applications was improved by the use of a microcomputer for data calculation, display and storage. Three applications are presented: 1. determination of the capture efficiency of a local exhaust hood, 2. the evaluation of the air leakage of a room, and 3. measurement of the local ventilation rates in a large industrial plant.
The measurement of ventilation parameters by means of tracer gas techniques and a microcomputer.

Bibliographic info:
Annals of Occupatioanl Hygiene,1984, Vol 28, No 2, pp203-210, 5 figs, 2 tabs, 15 refs.