50 occupants of terraced houses, divided into 4 groups, were surveyed three times in October 1981, February 1983 and March 1983. The first group had Isolair air heating and ventilating systems, and were well insulated with double glazing. The second group was heated by radiators and had the same insulation as group 1. Groups 3 and 4 had normal insulation. Results of the surveys are given. The air heating and ventilating system did not provide the level of satisfaction hoped for. The group with the air heating and ventilating system was surveyed again in March 1984.
Survey of occupants in dwellings with an air heating and ventilation system. Bewonersonderzoek in woningen voorzien van een luchtverwarmings- enventilatiesysteem.
Bibliographic info:
IMG-TNO Instituut voor milieuhygiene en gezondheidstechniek, January 1984, pub. no 11566. Rapport D79, 188pp, 7 figs, 12 tabs, and Supplement, May 1984, 28pp, 2 tabs. #DATE 00:05:1984 in Dutch