A miniature passive perfluorocarbon tracer system was successfully applied to the determination of air infiltration and exfiltration rates from each zone of a multizoned structure, as well as the air exchange rates between zones inhomes, multiple unit condominiums, naturally ventilated apartment buildings, and large commercial buildings with multiple air-handling systems. Use of the multizone technique in indoor air quality assessments and air-handling system stratification studies appears to be quite feasible with the availability of this measuring system.
Multizone infiltration measurements in homes and buildings using a passive perfluorocarbon tracer method.
Bibliographic info:
Preprint. ASHRAE Transactions, 1985, Vol 91, Pt 2. HI-85-35 No 3. BNL 36333 15p. 8 figs, 6 tabs, 15 refs.