Holmberg R
Bibliographic info:
7th AIVC Conference "Occupant interaction with ventilation systems" Stratford on Avon, UK, 29 September - 2 October 1986

Centrally controlled mechanical exhaust air ventilation systems in residential buildings can satisfactorily serve only a few of the inhabitants. As the need for ventilation in each apartment varies both temporally and locally, the exhaust air ventilation system should operate accordingly. On the basis of a new cascade-control method a selfcontained constant flow exhaust air terminal device was constructed. With the device the user can, according to his own needs, increase temporarily his own exhaust air ventilation. The new terminal devices are suitable for a spatiotemporally controlled mechanical exhaust air ventilation system provided that the ducts are tight, the pressure in the ducts is within the operation range of the terminal devices in all points of operation, and the inside of the building is tight.