This report is the first in a series intended to assess residential air-pollution concentrations in the U.S. housing stock. A "macromodel" has been developed to simulate/predict selected residential air-pollution concentration distributions across specified house populations. Combustion pollutants are initially addressed because (I) they are a major class of indoor pollutants with documented adverse health effects at elevated concentrations, (2) the underlying mathematical relationships are somewhat understood, and (3) sufficient input data exist to allow the macromodel to obtain results (i.e., predictions). This report addresses the macromodel development and preliminary predictions for carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and respirable suspended particles. Subsequent reports address (I) sensitivity analysis of the macromodel, (2) micro/macro comparisons, and (3) preliminary predictions for organic compounds and sulphur dioxide.
Macromodel for assissing residential concentrations of combustion generated pollutants: model development and preliminary predictions. for CO2, NO2, and respirable suspended particles.

Bibliographic info:
USA, California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, January 1989