This paper presents a new technique for supply of outdoor air directly through external walls into a dwelling room without any draught problems. A new type of air inlet unit has been developed based on the experience from the study of indoor climate in the " Stockholm Project" . This Swedish experiment including six new residential buildings, where the indoor climate together with different solutions for ventilation is evaluated, shows that draught from air inlets is one of the greatest problems with bad indoor climate. Further result s show that for other ventilation aspects except draught, there are less problems in buildings with mechanical exhaust systems than in buildings with other ventilation systems. This paper presents an air inlet principle that is integrated into the external wall construction. Measurements carried out show that a test unit works without draught problems and with a lower heat demand for cold down draught protection than with ordinary ventilators and radiators.
Outdoor air inlet without draught problems.

Bibliographic info:
10th AIVC Conference "Progress and trends in air infiltration and ventilation research" Espoo, Finland, 25-28 September 1989