This paper describes the application of a two-dimensional finite element computer program for predicting the temperatures and heat flux in the floor-slab and ground of industrial buildings. The model was constructed from the SERC's Finite Element Library. The model has been used to predict the steady state heat flux for different ground conditions and floor-slab insulation options, and results are presented. The paper presents measurements over time of the floor-slab and ground temperatures for a factory and these have been used to test the time-dependant operation of the model Results are also presented relating to slab warm-up and the time dependant performance of slabs with edge-insulation. The paper concludes that the model performs well in comparison with measured data, and that there are significant differences between steady-state and time dependant solutions for industrial buildings.
Thermal performance of solid growth floor slabs.

Bibliographic info:
UK, Building Research Establishment, BEPAC Conference, "Building Environmental Performance - Facing the Future" proceedings, 6-8 April1994, University of York, UK, pp27-34.