A new type of residence (the SEA house) has been proposed in winter, the house is heated by solar energy. Thermal insulation, heat storage, and air circulation are used to maintain the room temperature at a comfortable level and to reduce the temperature difference between the south side and the north side of the house. In summer, earth tubes are used for the purpose of cooling the proposed house. The thermal performance of the house was simulated by a computer program called PSSP, which can predict room temperature in a multiroom system. It is .estimated that in Tokyo, the room temperature can be maintained at less than 28°C (82.4°F) in summer and more than /8°C (64.4°F) during most hours in winter without air-conditioning equipment.
Development of a residence with solar heating, earth cooling and air circulation.
Bibliographic info:
USA, Ashrae Transactions, Vol 103, Part 1, 1997, proceedings of the Ashrae Winter Meeting, Philadelphia, 25-29 January 1997.