It is possible to make high wall inducing vents with low air resistance, combined with natural ventilation or a mechanical exhaust. By means of these vents draughts may be prevented and high efficiencies in fresh air and contaminant removal may be realised, the latter being determined by the position of the outlet. Existing equations related to air flow patterns and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) computer programs can be used, provided that the equations and the CFD program (Phoenics) are modified in order to get better agreement with measurements. On the basis of this research practical solutions may be found for a better indoor climate.
Inducing vents and their effect on air flow patterns, thermal comfort and air quality.
Bibliographic info:
Indoor Air: An Integrated Approach, edited by L Morawski, N D Bofinger, M Maroni, Elsevier Science Ltd, 1995, pp277-280