Myhrvold A N, Olsen E
Bibliographic info:
USA, Washington DC, Healthy Buildings/IAQ '97, 1997, proceedings of a conference held Bethesda MD, USA, September 27 - October 2, 1997, Volume 1, pp 81-86

The results from the Norwegian project "Indoor Environment in Schools" show a reduction from about 80 % to 55 % in complaints of poor indoor air quality just after renovation, and to 10 % after another year. There was clear accordance between the renovation enterprise with the measured indoor climate and the pupils own opinion of the working environment. Norwegian authority has set a limit of CO2-concentration to 1000 ppm, and our results indicate that the amount of outside air has to be 9 Vs per person to be sure of getting under this limit. The project included a total of 35 classrooms and about 900 pupils from 8 schools. The basic design has been a pre and post test before and after renovation. Physical measurements, questionnaire survey and reaction time test were used in this project.