A method was developed to estimate dust production and deposition rates for a ventilated airspace without a recirculation system under steady-state conditions. The method was derived from a dust mass balance equation and parameter estimation method. The measured variables required for using the method were the dust concentrations and ventilation rates of the ventilated space. The outputs of the method were dust production and deposition rates. This method actually converted the difficult measurements of dust production and deposition rates into the simple measurements of dust concentrations and ventilation rates. The method was not sensitive to the choice of initial values of parameters and proved to be valid for ventilation rates within the range of 0. 083 m3/s to 0.46 m3/s.
A method to measure dust production and deposition rates for a ventilated airspace without recirculation systems.
Languages: English | Pages: 7 pp
Bibliographic info:
USA, Ashrae Transactions, Vol 104, Pt 1, 1998